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Grounding Candle | Mossy Mahogany & Burnt Cedar | Fall | Campfire Candles | Mabon | Autumn | Woods | Earth Magic | Crystals | Retrograde |

Grounding Candle | Mossy Mahogany & Burnt Cedar | Fall | Campfire Candles | Mabon | Autumn | Woods | Earth Magic | Crystals | Retrograde |

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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What better way to commence this fall season than with a good ol' grounding candle! I love this time of year! Gathering and being grateful is what makes this such a special season... but, before we start the family gatherings, shopping, cooking, prepping, cleaning etc....etc... etc


Coming back to a place of belonging and center is always beneficial for the mind and body.

The scents are a blend of Moss, Magany, and Burnt Cedar Wood. These scents are strong, masculine, and grounding. They will whisk you right into a gorgeous fall setting with a campfire included.

Topped with Clear Quartz, Citrine, Selenite, Pine Cone, Milky oat tops, birch bark, chamomile, and my special grounding herbs to help connect you with that earth energy.

Use this intention candle during meditation or rituals. This is also a perfect candle to keep you grounded during the Mercury, and other, planetary RETROGRADES!!!!

The herbs and crystal on top will sink into the wax on the first burn creating a cauldron of intention.

Invite yourself to take some time and sit with this candle. Envision your calming intentions for the season to come!

Love and Light,

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